Our Quality

CQC regulates Blue River Home Care Ltd to provide services in your home. We haven't inspected this service yet. We checked this service was likely to be:


 Blue River Home Care has systems and processes in place that ensure we are able to meet the requirements of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014. We have effective governance, including assurance and auditing systems and processes.

 Blue River Home Care has and keep under review a clear set of vision and values that include involvement, compassion, respect, equality and safety. These values put people at the centre of the service and are understood and promoted by all staff.

 The company’s mission is to provide high quality care for older people through a commitment to the core values of privacy, dignity, independence, choice, rights and fulfilment. We aim to set and maintain the highest standards of good practice within an environment that encourages people to thrive as individuals and employees to practice as caring professionals.

 Our Quality assurance arrangements are robust and the need to provide a quality service is fundamental and understood by all staff. We seek ideas and take actions to continually improve the care and service for the benefit of our customers. We have established systems for monitoring the quality of care and promoting good outcomes for people.

 At Blue River Home Care we measure and review the delivery of care and support against current guidance. We use Intelligent Monitoring tool which is built on a set of indicators that relate to the five key questions Care Quality Commission - CQC asks of all services – are they safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led?

To see our registration please Click Here


Blue River Home Care’s Quality System is established to enable staff to deliver services that satisfy or exceed customer expectations on a daily basis.
We aim to provide support and care that meets our Customers’ choices and where appropriate, provide opportunities for customers to manage their own care/support or treatment; and create opportunities for them to express their views by:

 Listening to what customers want
 Involving all in planning services to meet their needs and preferences
 Promoting ideas, policies and actions which meet customers’ aspirations
 Working with partners and local communities


Blue River Home Care’s objective is to become a leading home care provider by:

 Ensuring the quality and standards of the services it provides;
 Seeking to innovate, integrate, and improve its range of services to meet the changing needs and aspirations of all the people we support.
 Set objectives and standards, based on understanding our Customers.
 Provide staff with the capability to achieve these.
 Measure our achievement through consultation and monitoring.
 Make improvements based on feedback.
 Recognise communication is a core skill to achieve success.

All staff are clear about their role and assisted to develop their full potential through training, supervision and support.

Our services are monitored, in particular by frequent contact with customers through visits and satisfaction questionnaires and by supervision and support of all our staff.

Staff are assisted in their tasks by the provision of written policies and procedures, formulated and reviewed in consultation with staff to identify and implement improvements.

Our philosophy is to encourage and equip all staff to contribute fully to the achievement of our service user’s objectives through a culture that recognises’ quality’ as part of everything we do. Staff are assisted and supported to identify and implement solutions to problems so that the focus remains on meeting customers’ needs and their outcomes.

Our customers value their relationships with the staff team and feel that they often go ‘the extra mile’ for them, when providing care and support. As a result, they feel really cared for and that they matter. Staff are exceptional in enabling people to remain independent and have an in-depth appreciation of people’s individual needs around privacy and dignity.

The leadership, management and governance of Blue River Home Care assures the delivery of high-quality, person-centred care, supports learning and innovation, and promotes an open and fair culture.